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thank you this is legendry i hope my graphic card run it

Works perfectly on a GTX 1080.Thanks for creating & sharing this.


does it support img2img?

When I generate an image at 150 steps with a resolution of 512X512 it only shows a black screen. I don't know if it's my GPU (RTX 2060) but it won't work.

Well, It seems that I have found a solution to my own problem

Apparently, it doesn't like it when it has an OVERCLOCKED GPU.


Thanks so much for this! Is there a config where I can disable nsfw content from generating?

just dont use words in your prompt that would make nsfw happen, other then that i dont think thats an option.


All of the images i am trying to render keep on turning out as a fully black square. My GPU is a GTX 1650, is there any fix for this?


Use google collab or try to install it without the GUI. This GUI is good but the default and only option of "half precision" makes it impossible to generate images in some nvidia graphic cards (GTX 1650, 1660, including SUPER) it happened to me, the solution was installing the code locally without any GUI, there are some websites that explain it: 

How to Run Stable Diffusion Locally to Generate Images (

or you can watch some youtube videos too .

Once you have it running, in the terminal use the command --precision full. That should solve the issue it did it for me! good luck out there and wait for the new version of this GUI this is just the 0.1v

(1 edit) (+3)

Would it be possible to add an option to link the result to txt2imghd ( ) for upscaling ?
Also are the text input compatible with prompts from ?

The promptomania prompts work perfectly good


Cheers for this, works perfectly! Looking forward to img2img implementation


Legendary, thank you!


Hi, do you think you could implement the optimized version?


Hi, I'm getting black images but my card is a 1650 instead of a 1660.








I have a 1650 and my images were showing up green. Using the "--precision full" argument enabled the output, but I'm not sure how you could do that with this build


Will full precision option be added soon?

(2 edits) (+1)

what's v scale?

Deleted 84 days ago
Deleted 2 years ago

     I’m not much for legal jargon. I’ve read the full license, when you state “You may re-distribute the weights and use the model commercially and/or as a service. If you do, please be aware you have to include the same use restrictions as the ones in the license and share a copy of the CreativeML OpenRAIL-M to all your users (please read the license entirely and carefully)”.

     Does this pertain to the produced images being sold or the AI model itself being used by users of the GUI such as myself or others? Like do I need to put a link in my descriptions for craft supplies that this was used and put the copy of the license in there?


This license is a copy from the Stable Diffusion team, this line is just about the AI model.
Images generated by the model are explained on the second line of the license. You can use the generated images as you like, no credit needed, but if you have more questions about the license, you need to talk with the Stable Diffusion team.

Thank you so much! I’m really excited for what this does for my use case. Looking forward to where it goes from here and I appreciate all of the work done to make a GUI and contained executable.


This is one of the coolest shit i seen, i been just playing around all night trying to get cool results, thanks a lot for soing this! i been trying to follow the guides from github but my non-programer brain has been strugling to get it to work, this works awesomelly!


Glad you are enjoying it.


Nice work, hopefuly future models / algorithm will allow for better output resolution thant 512x512 on a RTX 2070 Super. 8GB seems to be a little short for that ? (that's kinda crazy)


Actually is a miracle a model like that can run in a consumer card, even so its probably will improve a little the memory usage in the future.


Hello! How can I specify the number of copies to be generated?


For now only one copy per prompt, you can repeat the prompt in multiple lines if you want.

Why does it render 2 samples, one is mine and the other is different from what I wrote? as if it was a random one or written by someone else.

I have the same issue - happened after I chose to generate 4 ideas at a time. After that if I switch to just 1 it still tries to generate 4 ideas total where the first one is what you asked for and the rest is random stuff unrelated to the promp

Did you manage to fix it?

The problem is you put an empty line after the prompt. It basically takes an empty prompt and generates another image

Perhaps there is a empty line in your prompts window?

I had the same issue, I realized I had an extra line without text so it would generate my initial prompt then move onto the second line, since theres no text it would just generate an incoherent image.


Are you releasing higher resolution (more than 512x512) in the next updates / versions?
Thank you by the way!


You can already use it, if your card support it.

(1 edit) (+1)

There's no need. What people usually do is use a different neural network that up-scales images like Upscale Pics or UpscaleMedia

Is the 1660 series issue something that should be fixable in a future update, or is it a hardware issue with the card?

Its a hardware problem with half precision I think. The fix is to use full precision model, but it will take even more memory to use the app.


Ok thanks! Are you anticipating enabling full precision in a future update? If that's technically possible, I'd love to have the option to run Stable Diffusion through this program even if it takes a long time because of the amount of memory required.


Great work! Very fast on my 2080super. Thank you!

(1 edit)

Every time I download it says the .rar is damaged or corrupt. Any idea why? Update: my program WinRar was out of date. My bad!


Could you please let me know if there is a way to use cli mode?


Not for now, probably in the future

(3 edits) (+1)


I get 1.02 it/s with my GTX 1060, what will it be like with a 3060? 

also, what's V-scale?

with laptop 3060 got ~2.8 it/s on steps 100 512x512

Oh, nice, I need a new computer

My desktop 3060 gets 3.58 it/s at 512x512.

Arround 3.47it/s with my 3060 in desktop.

(1 edit)

On my 3090Ti at 512x512 I get ~6.5 it/s.

3070 I get 4.2 ish.

(1 edit) (+2)

I signed up here specifically to thank you! It works easy with my 3090, i love that the promt text stays after generating, very easy to work on the text !

Would be good if you could simply click on a few different resolutions, instead re-entering manually.

Looking forward to the next update! :D

Improvements for the resolutions will be available in a few updates, thanks for the compliment =)


I expected you would be one of the first to make a GUI for this, good job! A great feature for a future update would be the ability to import an image and perform the AI transformations on that, some other GUIs have that feature so I imagine it is possible to implement


I didn't think anyone would think of me for this, thanks.
Yeah, img2img will be available in a few updates.

Yes please! Image to Image would be amazing, that's my top requested feature.

This GUI app is amazing, thank you so much for putting this together!

There's currently an issue with GTX 1660 series cards that SD will generate black images unless it's set to full precision.  There doesn't seem to be a way with this tool to run SD with the '--precision full' option.

There been a few reports like this. It seen that 1660 need to run on full precision, but not sure if 6vram will able to run a good resolution at full precision.

The 1650 Super does too, just a heads up

Do you have a solution for enable a multi GPU VRAM render, I have 3x3090 who want to burn some pict...

In the future, only to speed up samples >= 3, it would be very hard to use 3 cards to generate a high resolution image.

Ok, at this time with a 3090 I can generate a 768x768 pixel picture,

Thanks for your work.  

(3 edits)

Nothing happens when I open Stable Diffusion GRisk GUI.exe, nothing opens.  What should I do differently?

Can you open CMD and then open the .exe with it? This way the windows will not close and you can send me the error


do you plan on implementing image-to-image generation?



(2 edits) (+1)

Can't wait, I run it in google colab and it's annoying to enter everytime and install stuff


thats good to hear, cant wait! img2img is something ive always wanted to try with stablediffusion.


Something that's just click-and-go. That was quick, thanks.

It seems no matter what I do, all of my results are just black images. I've tried different steps from 50-100. Tried 64, 256, and 512 resolution. But regardless. Nothing works.

Are you using a 1660 card? It seen to be a bug in it with half precision models.

Aw yeah I am. Sadly when clicking the Half-Precision mark, nothing appears to work...

(1 edit)

Tried 150it and 256x256 with one prompt. Keeps outputing black screens. What could I be doing wrong?

512x512 is what SD likes most, anything else and it doesn't have a good chance of working

Yeah, I tried that and get a CUDA out of memory error. Is there a work around? I have more than enough shared memory. 


GRisk you are a god


why work only Nvidia?  AMD?

pytorch is made mostly for CUDA(Nvidia)
AMD can work in the future, but it's some extra work


nice, thanks for reply, regards


Hi, firstable thx for this release.
Which model do you use ? 1.3 or 1.4 ?
Is it the optimized or the official one ?

Keep on the good work !

Hi there. It use 1.4
I'm not sure about this txt2img, I did my own scripts on top of the huggingface code and my own optimizations, so I don't know how it compare to the txt2img


Thanks for the answer and  this 0.1 version.

index 1000 is out of bounds for dimension 0 with size 1000

any idea what makes this happen? i ran it like 50 times before and then suddenly it stopped working :(

It need to be multiple of 64. So try rendering 1024X1024
Your card also need to be able to render this much res. 10vram maybe can do it, but not sure

(1 edit)

My RTX 3080 FE 10gb VRAM card was unable to do 1024X1024

It may work with 960X960 but you will need to keep testing until it work

Thanks ! i was able to fix it by just downloading the Rar again and Setting the resolution to 512x512, i have a RTX 2070, maybe some of these infos will help people who have similar issues :)

(1 edit)

for me it happened because of too high sample count (works below ~250)


You should include the version number in the .rar name. Thanks for making this!


Good idea. Would need to re-upload for that tho, so gonna do it in the next update.


Works very well! Thank you very much. I wonder if there are any plans to add image to image as well.


Yeah, img2img will appear in the future. Still a lot of work to be done.


I keep getting the below error when loading:


torchvision\io\ UserWarning: Failed to load image Python extension:

torch\ UserWarning: Unable to retrieve source for @torch.jit._overload function: <function _DenseLayer.forward at 0x000001C305192700>.

  warnings.warn(f"Unable to retrieve source for @torch.jit._overload function: {func}.")

torch\ UserWarning: Unable to retrieve source for @torch.jit._overload function: <function _DenseLayer.forward at 0x000001C3051A7A60>.

  warnings.warn(f"Unable to retrieve source for @torch.jit._overload function: {func}.")


It then loads fine, runs, but produces black images as output. Any ideas?


This errors at the start are normal for this first version (0.1)
But it should not be producing black images, you are the second person with this problem. Can you check if you have all the read/write permissions on the folder?


I'm having the same issue. Has any solution been figured out yet?

Are you by any chance using a notebook or have two cards in the computer? It may be selecting the wrong card.


How would I go about verifying that the right card is being selected? I've never used Stable Diffusion prior to this, so any advice would be helpful.


I was originally getting permission errors when trying to save the image. I resolved that by adding exceptions (which worked), I even turned of my antivirus completely. The images get saved fine, it's just that they are uniform black. If anyone figures it out, please let us know.


Same here, WIN 10 - AMD Ryzen 7 2700 -  32GB - NVIDIA GeForce 1660 - 6GB - Driver 516.94

Result is solid black png 512x512.

If you have Overclocked your GPU that could be the problem, try putting it back to its defaults.

Nope, no overclocking done. I tried some different settings of my video card to no avail. I also don't get any errors in the CMD window except for the normal ones at startup described by GRisk.

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